National Students Federation

Students are the most active part of every society and react strongly against oppression and injustice in the society. Students and youth were the first to raise awareness of the revolt against the atrocities of British imperialism before independence. Students have played an effective role in the struggle against exploitation, injustice and imperialism in post-independence Pakistan. That is why anti-people political parties have set up various student organizations to use students as fuel in their dirty politics. Instead of participating, be part of an exploitative system.

Our Role

NSF (Pakistan) is forced to question how many students will be pushed into the dark because of this education system, how many will be forced to work in Einstein workshops, how many will work in Newton factories How many scientists have not been able to reach college beyond school? At the same time, it is clear how easy it was for the ruling class to start this educational business in the absence of student organizations and unions. Movements run from the platform of NSF (Pakistan) are a testament to the fact that organized student movements can prevent the rulers from making oppressive policies. Today, F (Pakistan) is once again striving to unite students from all over Pakistan under one flag to raise the political consciousness of students and organize them for their rights.

Aims & Objectives

  • Organizing students on a nationwide basis as a conscious element of society.
  • To promote political consciousness and patriotism in students, to promote democratic thinking, to prepare students for the struggle for independence and sovereignty, development and prosperity of Pakistan.
  • Struggle to meet the demands of students Eliminate outdated education system and strive for a system that is in line with national interests.
  • To strive for the abolition of feudalism, capitalism and all forms of exploitation, and to put the student movement into practice with the revolutionary struggle of the working people.